Emotional Brand

by | Jun 17, 2022 | Blog posts, Branding

Let’s talk about Emotional Branding. You must be thinking: WTH! One more hippie term to describe a brand? NO!

Let me describe for you what it is an emotional branding experience. “Emotional branding is a term used within marketing communication that refers to the practice of building brands that appeal directly to a consumer’s emotional state, needs, and aspirations.”

So when marketing your product or service instead of telling your audience about the features like: “This is the cheapest program in the market; you will get ten videos of 50min each and four calls of 60min each”.

You can say, “This program will take you through a journey to transform your mindset, and build a business you enjoy giving you the freedom you always dream of! Ready to live your best life?.”

You trigger an emotion in your ideal clientele, the emotions responsible for the final outcome of your product.

When people sell beauty products, the goal is to make people feel good, feel pretty, and feel confident. So that’s why their promos are all around people feeling amazing, in most simple life situations.

It is the same when you buy a designer handbag, you don’t buy that just to carry your phone and wallet, you can do that with a $20 dollars bag. you buy for the feeling you get when you wear that bag with the rest of your outfit, the queen feeling you have and no one can take from you.

When you have a business, you need to do the same, your ideal client won’t buy from you because YOU have the most videos, or are offering the best price. They will buy from you because you help THEM feel a certain way.

What do you think? Ready to try this out? Here are some steps.

-Learn how you can help your ideal client.

-Learn what type of emotions your ideal audience is driven by.

-Learn the words they use to describe these emotions.

-Start using the words on your content.

So instead of saying “buy now the best mattresses on the market!” You can say “Sleep like a Queen and wake up ready to conquer the world.”

Ready to take your brand to the next level, create a successful business and live the life of your vision board?

Follow me on social media, and if you got questions join the free community ‘Badass Business Queens’ on FB.

With Love and Gratitude

Charlene Trinsi

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Charlene Trinsi

Hi, my name is Charlene Trinsi, I’m a business mentor helping female entrepreneurs achieve their goals. Welcome to my blog where I’m going to share news and free resources to support you through your business journey.